Back To One

Where once she was divided, undecided
she became whole – and back to the one.


Me and photography were on the same page early in my life, but darkroom chemicals and I didn’t get along. So, sweet lady photography and I split up and I was sad. It just wasn’t the same, not developing my own work. It took the air right out of my sails, made me feel like I was hobbling instead of running. So I turned to other things. That was 30 years ago or so.

Cut to: digital photography and processing coming of age… and Karen falling in love all over again with the art of it all. Right there, where the streams become one in this photos- where the One becomes bigger than either of the split ones – that’s where it’s at now, baby. Flowing, on our way, back together again.

I couldn’t help but think about that in New Zealand. If not for photography, I wouldn’t be standing there, on the road to Mt. Cook. And if not for photography, I wouldn’t be able to capture the moment, just as it was, to bring home and live it again every time I look at this image. I love (and have lived) the notion that even if you get knocked off of the Plan A of your life and have to make do with Plan B for awhile… it’s always possible you might just find yourself back on track through some surprising turn of events. It’ll feel like a miracle. Because it is. And you’ll smile, because you’ll know that life was meant to be that way. 🙂