Glacier Blue

I have learned that Lake Wakatipu is the longest lake in New Zealand. 50 miles in fact.


And when the light changes, so does the color, in quite dramatic ways. Even on a stormy, stormy day the glacier fed waters seem iridescent, which I found almost startling! This was a couple of days before “Trey’s New Zealand Photo Adventure” started, where Trey Ratcliff, Scott KublinCurtis Simmons and I drove around the countryside, doing reconnaisance on locations, taking photos and playing the “guess that 80’s song” game. Ha! Most entertaining.

It’s exciting to be here, thrilling to be part of this fantastic team… and I gotta say, this place feels like a piece of home. Strange how some places can be like that, isn’t it?  I’m finding lovely NZ is one of those spots for me.