THE CHAT with Karen Hutton: Stacey Powell

Part of being a whole and healthy creative/artist is taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally – and financially. When it comes to the financial part, Stacey Powell is the bomb! She’s a speaker, author, consultant, CFO and financial coach who specializes in creatives and artists. In fact, she was MY financial coach for 3+ years, during which time I tripled my income in voiceovers. Her life’s mission: “To change the way people interact with their money, so they can lead a more peaceful, confident and purposeful lives.” In today’s episode of THE CHAT… she shares perspectives and super simple ways to do just that. I adore Stacey for her passion, her unique wisdom and her way of making the sometimes emotionally charged topic of money simple and artistic unto itself.

The other reason I love Stacey Powell? She’s the one who began my highly intentional “living life as an artist” focus, which lead to the creation of this show! At one point in my coaching, I was struggling to let go of my overly controlling, judgmental attitude toward myself and my work. But the artist-photographer in me was rattling the cage to get out and be a force in the world. So she tasked me to dedicate 30 days to “living your life as an artist” (by a definition we agreed upon) – and doing nothing but that. No judgments, no fussing, just lead with heart and gut and see what happens. 30 days became 60, then 90 – then I never looked back. It changed absolutely everything about my life!

And so, without further fanfare and ado (although trust me, it continues EVERYWHERE in the background!)… I’m thrilled to present Stacey Powell.