The Incomparable Annette Biggers

My recent Chat with Annette Biggers was so much fun – and so enlightening too! Lots of good stuff to think about and feel into to start the new year.

Here’s a quick snippet with just one of them. It’s where Annette talks about why she’s passionate about her fairy tale photo shoots – and why she thinks she’s seen so much transformation happen as a result of them:

In the beginning of the full episode she shares one of her favorite quotes; “It’s more tragic to be alive and not know why – than to be dead and not know life.” I love that Annette truly walks her talk… and lives life fully with her heart wide open. It’s amazing to be around people like that! They just lift you up.

We had a blast at the Castello di Amorosa and her 2-day fairy tale shoot featuring Jennifer Freeman. We laughed… ALOT!

In fact, you can that see she’s laughing in this photo:


Well here’s what it looked like, us on the ground… Annette photographing Jennifer, me paparazzi’ing Annette:
(Thanks to Dave Bell for capturing this moment!)


Eventually, I was cracking up so hard I couldn’t even hold my camera up:


Silly, good, photographic, transformative FUN!