The Chat with Karen Hutton: Jennifer Freeman

This week’s guest is the lovely Jennifer Freeman.

I only met her for the first time when we all converged upon Castello di Amorosa with my pal Annette Biggers for a photo shoot. Jennifer and her daughter Bella were the focus of the weekend; they had a story to tell and they did it beautifully.

Jennifer started her acting career at 9 years of age. She starred in My Wife and Kids with Damon Wayans… and growing up, appeared in feature films like You Got Served Johnson Family Vacation and Mercy Street as well as guest appearances on TV shows like 7th Heaven, Switched, One on One and The OC.

But now, Jennifer has begun a new chapter of her life and career as a single mom, calling the shots in her acting career and being a voice for young women who also have big dreams and aspirations. She’s so young herself; but she knows what she wants her life and work to stand for, both for herself and her daughter.

BTW, we almost didn’t have this Chat! Through Annette, Jennifer communicated the fact that “Interviews make me so nervous!” I completely understood – and was game if she wanted to do it, but totally fine if she opted out. I’m so grateful she dove in, because we had a great time. And now YOU get to hear how she keeps her mind right amidst all the chaos of Hollywood, her belief in the importance of empowering girls and young women to follow their dreams, the shift she’s experienced since stepping back into the acting world after a break to discover more of life – and see some beautiful images from the photo shoot.

I’m delighted for the opportunity to present Jennifer Freeman…