Lake Crescent Shorelight

Leaving Washington

The day we left the Olympic Peninsula was bittersweet. While my pal Laurie Rubin and I had had a magnificent week and were so grateful for the experience – we were also loathe to leave!

Driving by Lake Crescent for the 2nd time, we were treated to some really fun conditions. The first time by was on our way out to the coast. We spent a night at Lake Crescent Lodge. Now, THAT’S something I highly recommend, if you ever get the chance! Then, it was sunny and warm. This time… rain was due later that day and the skies were covered in clouds. They were beautiful though… and shafts of light would spear through now and again, lighting up the new springtime growth in a verdant green glow. I wanted to stop every time that happened!

As it was, it was the perfect combination of a fabulous farewell… and a pinkie promise to visit again!

At Lake Crescent, Washington... the light likes to play amongst the treetops. So do I... :D

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