Ibarionex & Mini Cooper

What’s in a Name?

I think up names to entertain myself. Like the title of this post: “Ibarionex & Mini Cooper.” Doesn’t that sound like an awesome kid’s book? You read it and think “Who the heck ARE these characters? I must read it to find out!”… and you dive into the exploits of these two as they duck, bob and weave their way through a plethora of wild adventures.

I should probably write that book.

But for this reality selection, Ibarionex Perello is actually a wonderful photographer, workshop leader and podcaster. He’s also a lovely human being and he interviewed me for his Candid Frame Podcast this week.  You can click the link and scroll down to listen. We had one of those “life is light” conversations… as much about the esoteric side of art and photography than hard core tech. OK, a lot more! I loved chatting with him – hope you enjoy having a listen!

The Mighty Mini

As for Mini Cooper… well, we have a Cooper’s Hawk. I say we “have” a hawk (even thought it’s more like he has us) because he’s taken to spending a fair amount of time on top of our 2-story house, hunting. He’s excellent at catching moles and voles with his (or her) incredible vision. That’s awesome for us, since we’re just about overrun with them! Our house is next to a small lake, which is rather like hanging out a bright, underground, neon sign that screams: “Rodents and Vermin Welcome Here!” They tear up the ground so badly we could hardly walk across certain sections without falling through to our ankles. At least until our hawk showed up. Grin.

He’s not as big as the other birds of prey who frequent the ‘hood: the red tailed hawk and Osprey are much bigger. But I love our little Cooper’s Hawk… especially the day he was hunting in the rain and stopped to shake off the water. Hawks always look so intense to begin with. Then the moment right before he shook he just looked so… Angry Bird. Hahah! So late one night, I just went there with the whole idea – just to entertain myself.

I share it on the chance you’re easily entertained too. 🙂
