Walk in the Park x 2

There Was This Day…

One day whilst in New York, I had a morning all to myself (shocking!!). I decided to grab my camera and head out. No real goal or plan… just get out there and see stuff. I hadn’t done that yet in the neighborhood where I was staying… and it had easy access to Central Park, among other cool neighborhoodie sights.

It was a frisky-brisk fall day. Whereas back home the autumn leaves had all but fallen – here, they were still heating up. (Let’s hear it for two autumns in one year!). So of course, I ended up in Central Park.

The big elm trees were putting on a show. I can tell you two things: I’m a sucker for elm trees and I LOVE a good show! This particular show moment is brought to you by the friendly-friends who were walking that morning, who so very kindly provided scale for these awesome trees. To me, it was quintessentially Central Park, autumn… and life. Sigh.


Bring In Some MacPHUN!

Since those trees offered such strong lines, I wondered how they’d look in BOTH color and black and white.

So, I got this wild hair: what if I processed for both in Macphun’s Tonality Pro? I love trying stuff like that. I actually came up with a bunch of monochrome versions, just messing about – only a few of which I threw in here.  Inside my own head, I sounded like a little kid: “…and you can do this with it, and this with it, and this with it… then you can try this and this and this… and OOOooooo how cool is THIS??” Etc, etc. etc. You see how it goes.

I’m just sayin’ that it’s eye-opening for software to changes possibilities so dramatically in post processing – and so quickly!

If you’re curious like me, you might decide to give it a twirl too. If you do, here’s a link to some AWESOME holiday deals Macphun has going on right now. (Christmas 2014): http://goo.gl/zOIdso. You totally don’t have to, either… you might just want to be entertained by a short selection of this photo, processed in a small variety pack of different ways. If so, just scroll away!

No matter what… I hope you’re having a super awesome holiday season wherever you are in the world. 😀



