A Fuji-full Photo Plus Expo 2015!

Photo Plus Expo 2015 in New York City streaked by like a Jedi star cruiser! By that, I mean FAST. Really fast. Is everything gonna be like that now? Because if so, I need to get me one ‘o them speed suits like downhill skiers wear so I can slice  the air more effectively. Sheesh!

I went this year as a Fuji X-Photographer… how rad is THAT? As such, I spoke on three consecutive days. On the topics of my choice… which is where it got really, really fun. Remember that post where I talked about life kicking into a new gear? . This is the beginning. And I was in some mighty fine company!


The Yakking Points

Of course, I provided the titles and descriptions for each talk. They were:

The French Mirrorless Diet”:
How I shed pounds, freed my muse and discovered Raw truth in France with my Parisienne paintbrush, Lady Fuji.

“Find Your Voice, Free Your Soul” and

“Live Your Life As Your Art”: Your Soul’s Genius Unleashed

Yes, Fuji approved these beforehand! Besides their incredible cameras, you can perhaps begin to see why I love this company. It includes, but goes so much deeper than, gear.


The X-Factor is You

To me, the overall connective tissue amongst all of these talks is the real estate BEHIND the camera. (That would be you. And me.) It’s great to have “the best” gear… but what IS that, exactly? I looked around at the thousands of people streaming through the Expo over those 3 days and thought to myself “everyone here is seeking that magic bullet. Wants it. Desires that something ‘more’.” But do they know what it is? How will they know when they’ve found it? And what will they do once they have it?

Truthfully, IMHO the best camera is the one you have in your hands. If all you have handy is your phone camera… then by god, THAT is absolutely the best one! It is also true that if you actually find a camera that inspires and entices you… the way you see, the possibilities you consider, the creative roads you travel… will all shift. These are not mutually exclusive notions.

The wild card is YOU. What do love, what do you stand for? That’s where it begins.


I used lots of my own images as illustrations… and this was our fun and intimate stage.


It Boils Down To This

As I walked around the expo, I listened to snippets of how-to talks and gear presentations. Very interesting, all. However, I chose to make a different set of points.

Because, you see, I believe with all my heart that feeling fulfilled, creative, joyful and ALIVE… all starts here:


(My pal Laurie Rubin caught me doing that thing I love so much. The photo I was shooting follows):



That Print Question…

OH BTW –  for those wondering how Fuji images look printed? Yeah, they look pretty freaking fantastic! This was the one I was so honored to see hanging right next to one of Bill Fortney‘s:



These events are always so wonderful for connecting with friends old and new… including the lovely Cusi Taylor of the Photographer’s Adventure Club (PAC), who  interviewed me as part of their comprehensive coverage at PPE:

The Bottom Line

Why do I think any and all of this matters? It’s simple:


And that, my friends, is what I truly believe all those people wandering the hallways of Photo Plus Expo are truly seeking. That moment of beauty and grace that awakens THEIR soul to act and shed its magnificent light.

After all… photography’s raw materials are LIGHT and TIME. It’s what we work with… it’s what our cameras help us spin into our most precious message.