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Finding Your Voice: Day 3. Light.

Welcome to Day 3 of our fun 10-day series: “Finding Your Voice: 10 Days, 10 Concepts To Help You Find Your Photographic Voice.” My friends, it may seem elementary, but fill in the blank on this: My favorite light is_____. In an interview recently, violinist Lindsey Stirling put it this way: “When I’m onstage, I feel like I’m…

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Finding Your Voice: Day 2. Time of Day.

Welcome to Day 2 of our fun 10-day series: “Finding Your Voice… 10 Days, 10 Concepts To Help You Find Your Photographic Voice” Today, ponder this… My favorite time of day is…… 

Finding Your Voice: Day 1. Feeling.

Awhile back, I wrote my most personal blog post ever. It was about a huge “AHA!” I had about experiencing my life’s work unfold before my eyes. And it continues! So many cool things in the works right now. I can’t wait to share them! They all relate to what we’re embarking upon right now. Today,…

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Hearing Voices In The Mist

So, this. Voices In The Mist. I recently made it image my new Facebook cover image.  It got alot… and I mean, ALOT more likes, comments and shares than normal. Think it struck a cord? Or was it just algorithms? Personally, I’m voting “cord”, for whatever reason it was struck. I can tell you that to me,…

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