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The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice: Part 6, Art&Business

Everyday Genius Part 6: Art&Business In Part 6 of The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice… Lauri Novak and I wrap up the  conversation we started in Episode 5: “Art&Business “. In this one, she offers 7 tips SHE has used to successfully cross the line from hobbyist photographer to photo pro.

The Everyday Genius of Your Artist’s Voice: Part 1

Welcome to Part 1 of an eight-part series here on the blog I’m calling “The Everyday Genius of Your Artist’s Voice”! Below, you’ll see (er, hear) that I recorded this installment… as I will all the others. I’ll put a transcript down at the bottom, for those prefer reading. Now then…

Your Gear Can Help You Create With Emotion… and Temi!

Today, blog cast #2! Use your gear to create with emotion – and Temi! Today’s topics and where you can find ’em in the timeline: 00:48 Create With Gear/Emotion: 4:09 Q&A call to activate: 12:26 Plus: I seriously need to come up with a name for these ‘casts!