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The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice: Part 6, Art&Business

Everyday Genius Part 6: Art&Business In Part 6 of The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice… Lauri Novak and I wrap up the  conversation we started in Episode 5: “Art&Business “. In this one, she offers 7 tips SHE has used to successfully cross the line from hobbyist photographer to photo pro.

How Do You Define Success? On his blog today, Scott Kelby made a post about our recent visit on The Chat. If you didn’t see that particular episode… you really should! It’s right there on his blog… or right here on mine. One of My Favorite Questions One of my favorite questions is the one about “how do you…

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THE CHAT with Karen Hutton: Dario Sattui!

Meeting Dario I literally only met him minutes before this Chat… but Dario Sattui may well be the most inspiring person I’ve met all year! Dario is the great-grandson of Vittori Sattui, founder of V. Sattui Vineyards in the Napa Valley. He may have learned the vintner business from family… but his love of Medieval…

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THE CHAT with Karen Hutton: Laurie Rubin

In keeping with our “awesome photographer” roll of late, I was SUPER stoked to Chat with Laurie Rubin! She’s a Googler, award-winning wildlife and nature photographer and I’m delighted that she’s also my friend. When it comes to animals and photography – you have never seen someone drop into “the zone” faster than Laurie when…

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Fun With Nicole & Brian

It was such a blast getting to do an episode of The Chat with Nicole S. Young! We actually recorded that one awhile back. She was one of my first intrepid friends to step up as I was still working out my format, flow and style for the show. Nicole is fearless – and she…

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The Chat with Karen Hutton: Daria Musk, Part 1

Well, the moment has arrived! Welcome to the premiere episode of The Chat! WooHOOO! Everybody was EPIC with the guesses they made about WHO the first guest would BE. THANK YOU!! And now… For this auspicious debut, I chose a 2-part episode with a super star on the rise… who has a big vision about life,…

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The Chat: Guess the 1st Guest!

The Chat: Debut Eve. I’m listening. Waiting. Breathing. Feeling very still. This bird knows what I’m talking about. Tomorrow: launch day. I’ve set it all in motion – there’s no going back now. That’s a good thing. There’s only one last thing to do: see if you can guess the guest!