About My Partners
Dreams do come true. Sometimes, bigger dreams are best done with friends. Which brings me to my current dream partners…
Fujifilm North America
I’ve been a Professional X-Photographer with Fujifilm North America since 2015. I see their gear as my artistic paintbrush. From the moment I picked it up, it raised the bar for me as an artist by leaps and bounds. The projects I now do with them enable me to reach more people than I could alone with my message, which has to do with inspiration and light. Their tagline “Build Your Legacy” aligns beautifully with my own “Find Your Artistic Voice” message, making the projects we do together meaningful and a vital part of my artistic vision.
See how it all began.
See my work on Fujifilm’s X-GFX website.

Smugmug has been my photographic home since 2011. It’s beautiful, flexible and fast. Mobile is stunning. My images look better there than anywhere online, hands down. As a company, Smugmug and I have a similar philosophy and vision about photography and being a force for good. Which means we work together on projects we both believe in; like this film. In future: I’m looking forward to creating more awesome projects with them; each aimed at spreading joy and inspiration around like buttah.
See my Smugmug site.
See my mini-documentary film.
Read about my photographic philosophy in this Smugmug Films interview.
I started creating courses with KelbyOne in 2018. The first, entitled “Finding Your Artistic Voice” was based upon my eBook by the same name. The second course is the sequel. It takes viewers out into the field and through a process that begins with my particular “inner game” prep, all the way through post-processing.
See my Kelbyone courses.
See the eBook that started it all.
Really Right Stuff
When it comes to camera support, Really Right Stuff is the ONLY right stuff for me. And no, I don’t get paid for saying that! I’m just super picky about the build, ergonomics and functionality of my tripods. Tried a slew of them… even dropped some coin on a couple other brands and boy, was I sorry. I’ve NEVER been sorry for a second that I spent the money on RRS! Worth every dime, I’ve never looked back. My tripods will last a lifetime.
See my setup
See my interview on the RRS blog.
LucrOit Filters & Holders
Hardly anyone in the U.S. seems to know LucrOit Filters. The company is based in Spain, owned by a delightful father and son team. They have an incredible product. From the moment I watched a friend of mine pop this filter setup onto their camera in about 3 seconds, I was hooked. Up until that moment (which changed my life), I hated filters. Loved what they did – but despised the fuss ‘n muss. I don’t want ANYTHING to distract me from creating my vision. Certainly not tinkering with filters and their wonky holders. On top of that – I want glass that enhances my vision without adding weird colors or aberrations. SWISH! LucrOit for the win on all counts. Love. It. Hard.
Click to view my article in LucrOit’s free magazine (It starts on pg. 116)
Read my blog post from 2015: that’s when I switched to LucrOit.
Shotkit is ALLLLLL about camera gear. It might be the best place on the interwebs to Learn More About That! Plus, the folks at Shotkit are awesome beyond measure, so I love sharing the good word about all they do for the community.
They have a popular section of the site where they let us peek inside professional photographer’s camera bags. I’m one of them! Click here to check out my gear – then get inspired by all the other incredible photography information Shotkit puts out there. It’s a mighty deep rabbit hole – so bring snacks, a notepad and prepare yourself to be inspired!