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I Am Not Afraid

I Was Born To Do This I love watching people doing the thing they were born to do. They have no fear. It’s magic. There’s that moment when they ‘lean in’… embracing their true talent, their soul’s genius. It’s the moment when they let go and free-fall, landing in the waiting, loving arms of Creation itself.…

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Explore The Elements

At The Heart Of It I was invited to enter a contest for travel/photo-bloggers. I know, RIGHT? But it’s sponsored by Thomas Cook – an awesome outfit – and it’s called “Explore the Elements”.  As they put it…”It’s all about capturing and expressing the four elements through travel photography…” so I thought “What the heck?”…

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Welcome to Our New Home!

We Have Liftoff! If you’re here reading this, you’re doing it from our new hot bliggidy-blog home… on the website that’s taken about 9 months to create! (Yes, WooHOO!! New horizons, new light – and new place to play and create. Some cool new stuff is coming too, now that it has a home… we’re…

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Patience and Mama Birds

New Things New things are fun, aren’t they? New clothes, new ideas, new days… they make you feel reborn. Although it’s probably dorky to say that out loud. And yet… I just did. Here’s a new photo. I took it last month, recently processed it. The light was just right to make this row of…

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Winter, Where Art Thou?

Winter Used to Mean… Winter I love winter in the mountains. The entire landscape changes from earth tones to otherworldly winter white, there are different birds flitting about… even the sounds change. Everything gets quieter, more muted. You can see better at night! These are all things I love about winter. And up here, it’s…

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Flash Cards & Art

That Oh-So Wearable Feeling Y’know that moment where you finally get a glimpse of something you’ve been after, and it kinda makes you gasp from the power of its revelation? Maybe it’s the answer to a deep question that has plagued you since you were 12, or blessed clarity that suddenly appears in answer to “What…

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Wait For It, Wait for Iiiiiiiit…

That Technicolor Time of Year Earlier this autumn, the hubs and I took a week and bombed down to the Eastern Sierras. Mind you, we didn’t just randomly decide to pack up and go blasting off all willy-nilly, when it was convenient for us. My goodness no! Nature has the upper hand in this scenario. YOU…

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