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Finding Your Voice: Day 5. Element.

Welcome to Day 5 of our fun series: “Finding Your Voice… 10 Days, 10 Concepts To Help You Find Your Photographic Voice” My Favorite Element is _______. Let’s talk elements. I don’t ONLY mean the natural elements of wind, earth, fire and water. I mean MANY other elements that might be part of what you’re drawn to…

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The Rain Clears… Here Comes Fall Color!

First Rains of Autumn The first rain of the fall is always so exciting. No, it’s not like watching paint dry! It smells amazing, invigorating the very air with… I dunno… stuff that make you feel all alive and spiffy. The hubs and I are on a photo trip (I call it ‘photo tripping’) down…

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Envision The Results

Intend. Envision. Enjoy. Cool. Moist. Relief.On my social streams a couple of days ago, I asked for help in thinking “cool, moist thoughts”?. Guess what’s happening now?Rain.Why was this so important? Because of the King Fire, a wildfire that’s been burning out of control since Sept. 11. It’s been moving ever closer to us… while…

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The Heavenly Light on Lake Wakatipu

Our first couple of days in New Zealand have been rainy, rainy, rainy! Big winds, power outages, trees down – exciting! Trey Ratcliff, Curtis Simmons and Scott Kublin and felt intrepid and eager to get out and start photographing though… so with big smiles positive expectations we jumped in the truck and took to the road. We were…

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