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The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice: Episode 8: Storytelling

Welcome to the final episode of “The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice”: Storytelling Wow! Today’s the final episode of our 8-Part series about artistic voice in Photography. We’ve been all about turning what might seem like an ephemeral concept – into practical application. My fondest hope is that it’s the beginning of a great…

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The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice: Part 5, Art&Business

I decided that this series called for a big fat “Art&Business” section. Why? Because soooo many questions come up around this in general – even so more when folks try to reconcile “artistic voice” and how NOT to sell out when attempting to shift from hobbyist to entrepreneurial business maven. 

Create Different: When (Written) Words Just Aren’t Enough

“Create Different”. I decided to do just that and record my blog post. See, my morning began today with the startling realization that it’s time to shift gears with how, what and why I create. “Whoa!” I thought. “What game is afoot now?”  Welcome to my newest experiment!

Finding Your Artistic Voice, 3 Ways!

Ever wondered how to find your artistic voice in photography – or anything else, for that matter? Well, I’ve got 3 ways to go about it right here. No, they’re not the ONLY ways… but what I’m beginning to slowly roll out is a system. A way of thinking about this – and system of…

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Recap: Finding Your Artistic Voice, Cannes

Another “Finding Your Artistic Voice” retreat has come and conquered. This one happened in Cannes, France; October 3-8, 2016. What was it like? Kinda like this… Oh and fair warning: this is a long post! Loads of pics and videos… offering a glimpse of the adventure…