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100 Ways to be Grateful Like an Artist

I wrote this post because I was in a bit of a funk. Y’know, dwelling on the not-so-good things. Not focusing enough upon what I really want, which is to be happy. Really, truly, in-my-cells HAPPY. The kind of happiness that is the result of being consciously, blissfully in love with and in the flow of God…

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Merry, Joyous, Light-filled Day!!

I don’t know if I say it often enough, but I appreciate you. Every single one of you, more than I can say. You who visit here and leave awesome comments. You’re like family. You who love. I love you just for that. You who choose light over darkness. You’re my hero. You who vote…

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Nicolesy's Top 10 Fave Photo Blogs

Nicole S. Young is a superhero. She’s also a pro photographer, educator, author, wife, dog mom. If you don’t know her work, get thee hence to her website! You’ll learn a TON, see beautiful photos and witness a woman at work building her own creative empire. She blows my mind on a regular basis. One…

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