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Hearing Voices In The Mist

So, this. Voices In The Mist. I recently made it image my new Facebook cover image.  It got alot… and I mean, ALOT more likes, comments and shares than normal. Think it struck a cord? Or was it just algorithms? Personally, I’m voting “cord”, for whatever reason it was struck. I can tell you that to me,…

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Changing Moods

Monochrome on the Brain I’ve had monochrome on my mind lately. Not really sure why, I suppose it’s like anything else that floats through your muse’s consciousness for consideration. I’ll be honest and say that I did shoot this auto bracketed, imagining it might end up as a color HDR image. I shot a whole…

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The Starlight Express: A Year to The Day

The Starlight Express As it prepared for its final leap toward home, a few loose star patterns spilled to the ground. Come spring, the townspeople would marvel at the new growth there; so lush, so vibrant in just this one spot. The train began to rev; in a few short moments it would vanish, as…

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