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Your Gear Can Help You Create With Emotion… and Temi!

Today, blog cast #2! Use your gear to create with emotion – and Temi! Today’s topics and where you can find ’em in the timeline: 00:48 Create With Gear/Emotion: 4:09 Q&A call to activate: 12:26 Plus: I seriously need to come up with a name for these ‘casts!

Create Different: When (Written) Words Just Aren’t Enough

“Create Different”. I decided to do just that and record my blog post. See, my morning began today with the startling realization that it’s time to shift gears with how, what and why I create. “Whoa!” I thought. “What game is afoot now?”  Welcome to my newest experiment!

Fujifilm’s GFX 50 S: YES! Worth The 35 Year Wait

The Fujifilm GFX 50S medium format camera? No biggie; I’ve only waited 35 years for it. 😉 As it turns out, this gorgeous beast was worth waiting for. 😁 Here is a video Justin Majeczky and I made for Fujifilm about the GFX… my story (including about how this video was so down-to-wire it almost didn’t get made!)…

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My New York (inner) Journey

I just got back from New York. What a trip. It was as much about the inner journey as it was the outer one. Let me start by saying 2016 was a packed year. Full of surprises, breakthroughs, a few frustrations, lots of growth and new experiences. And now… lots to think about, feel into…

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Finding Your Artistic Voice, 3 Ways!

Ever wondered how to find your artistic voice in photography – or anything else, for that matter? Well, I’ve got 3 ways to go about it right here. No, they’re not the ONLY ways… but what I’m beginning to slowly roll out is a system. A way of thinking about this – and system of…

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The Paradox & A Couple of Myths

The Paradox Here’s a paradox for you: When I go out to photograph nature, landscape and this gorgeous world of ours – I luxuriate in the experience. Every blessed second of it. I feel like I’m standing in the heart of creation, where I can mostly clearly hear the voice of the Divine. Taken with…

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