Online Education



For over a decade, I developed + lead THE ARTIST’S VOICE PHOTOGRAPHY RETREATS in Europe and the U.S. They were a game-changer for each and every individual who attended!

This foundational system anchors your true, unique, artistic voice + presence into art & Photography, yes. But it doesn’t stop there, for it was born with a greater vision. You see, The Artist’s Voice was always about creating art + living a life radiant with love, light and purpose.

For now, I no longer lead them on a faraway mountaintop. Publicly offered on-location and online versions of The Artist’s Voice are on hiatus for now. Instead, I weave these perspectives + practices into every class, presentation and article I create.

THE GOAL: Imagine having an artistic voice in your photography that is reliable, consistent, predictable – so that it becomes your greatest ally, no longer your greatest mystery.

The deep dive experienced in The Artist’s Voice is a forever shift of your perception of possibilities. It brings vision + practical application together; anchoring them into everyday reality in a whole new way.

In 2022, I brought the course online with mind-blowing results. In fact, we created an eBook so anyone could experience a bit of the magic. Presented in participants’ own words and images.

Click image to view & download the PDF (it’s free):

FOR NOW, The Artist Voice trainings are currently offered by request only.

READ ON to discover The Artist’s Voice illustrative origin and a few of the experiences…

Contact Karen for further information!

Check UPCOMING EVENTS to see upcoming virtual/online education events!


It all began in Provence one spring at Julia Child’s summer home.

Makenna Held bought the property, aka La Pitchoune and said to me; “You should do a photography retreat here.” I looked at her quizzically and thought “What the heck is a photography retreat?” I heard myself say “AWESOME idea! I’m in! Can you help me?” And so she did. As it turned out, we created an entirely new genre of photography education.

It unfurled like an amazing technicolor dreamcoat…

See also> Learn more about private workshops

Past retreats & workshops

Video Testimonials

Love for The Artist’s Voice #1

Love for The Artist’s Voice #2

Love For The Artist’s Voice #3