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A Cool Interview

I was asked to do an interview recently by “just a guy” (hehheh, his words) Jay Juliano. He’s a business owner back on New England – but his first love is photography. I thought it was pretty cool that he reached out to someone he didn’t even know and ask for an interview. That’s SO…

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The Making of The Grand Dame

We visited Paris a few years ago. It was December, right before Christmas. A seriously dreamy-dream come true! I went for a voiceover job and my darling hubs got to come too, which made it even more dreamy. We stayed a couple of extra days for our own sightseeing… then stayed another couple of days…

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Perspective and Point of View

Y’know, I’m always going on about how weaving your own personal point of view can give your photos that “stamp” of recognizable YOU. I think it’s all part of showing up authentically as Who You Are in your art… but more, showing up that way in life too. I named this photo “Look Up in…

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