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Macphun Webinar: Planning for the New Year!

Plan For the Best, Forget the Rest! I focus inward this time of year. Take a breath. Do some writing and thinking. Y’know, take stock of what I loved/didn’t love about the past year… celebrate the wins… learn from the ‘fails’… and set the tone for my Epic New Year. (I always plan for “Epic”……

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The Chat with Karen Hutton: Art Wolfe

Imagine… Imagine having the same career for 5 decades. Go ahead… imagine it! Take a moment to mull it over. I don’t mind waiting. [checks email, watches the latest Jimmy Fallon lip-synch contest on YouTube, has a snack.] Now imagine loving it so much that it refreshes you, defines you, reinvents you on a regular basis……

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The Mighty Ferris

Ferris, But Not Bueller The Seattle-Bainbridge Island ferry is short ride… but a gorrrrgeous one, if taken around sunset! The view that Laurie Rubin and I had on the final leg of our journey back to Seattle from the Olympic Peninsula made me feel like we were living some fanciful segment in the movie “Ferris…

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Sunsets, Art & The Masters of Painting

The Power of Exploring One Area I found a new vantage point! Lake Tahoe is a HUGE lake (72 miles around)… but only offers a few spots where you can get a great shot. The east side is one of them. I love going back under different lighting and weather conditions – because it’s just…

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