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Advice to the multi-passionate! (This might just change your life)

Advice to the multi-passtionate. Hello, my multi-passionate photographically artistic friends! Got more photo genres you love than a gaggle of schizophrenic mini-me’s could ever get done in a lifetime? Listen up! I’ve got some weird advice that might change your life.

The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice: Part 5, Art&Business

I decided that this series called for a big fat “Art&Business” section. Why? Because soooo many questions come up around this in general – even so more when folks try to reconcile “artistic voice” and how NOT to sell out when attempting to shift from hobbyist to entrepreneurial business maven. 

Fuji: My Parisienne Paintbrush

Paris Speaks NOTE: This is a lengthier post than usual. It’s a summary of how the Fuji gear I took to France and I got along. (Famously!). It’s not meant to be camera “review”. It’s one human’s experience of being on a mission of art and heart; and the gear that helped bring it all to…

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On Being A-Mused in Paris (or really anywhere)

Walking around the streets of Paris is an open invitation for the inner muse to have her way. She will insist. She will hum, giggle at odd times, make you stop… and make you see things in unusual ways. Even common (well, common to locals, I suppose) neighborhood scenes will inspire the muse to gasp,…

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The Chat with Karen Hutton: Art Wolfe

Imagine… Imagine having the same career for 5 decades. Go ahead… imagine it! Take a moment to mull it over. I don’t mind waiting. [checks email, watches the latest Jimmy Fallon lip-synch contest on YouTube, has a snack.] Now imagine loving it so much that it refreshes you, defines you, reinvents you on a regular basis……

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