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5 Lessons Learned From The Grace of Landscapes

Landscape photography at its finest is like being rocked gently in the cradle of creation. It’s spiritual for me. Some of my biggest, deepest, most defining moments have happened out there. I feel the best when I’m out there, resonating with eternal songs. So I thought I’d share my top 5 of “lessons from landscapes”. Five…

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The Art of Living and The New Now

Looking Back, Taking a Breath Stuff is happening. Fast! I imagined summer to be “catch my breath” time. Hahahaha! Oh the folly and whimsy of it all! The past few months have seen the launch of The Arcanum, a photo trip to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, followed immediately by a trip to NYC, filming several…

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Nature: Best Architect, EVER!

I do believe nature trumps everyone when it comes to fine architecture! I love visiting ancient man-made architecture, and have Ooo’d and Ahhh’d in Egypt, Turkey and various parts of Europe so far in my life. But every time I witness the effortlessness with which Nature designs and executes her creations, I’m speechless. If you…

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I Need a Fuzzy Moment: My Divine Dichotomy

Life is exciting. Especially now! There is so much afoot in my world, so many dreams and ideas all manifesting at the same time… and I am so, so grateful and joyful! But I’m experiencing a divine dichotomy, because I also feel a little frazzled and need a fuzzy moment. Mind you, this is not…

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