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Advice to the multi-passionate! (This might just change your life)

Advice to the multi-passtionate. Hello, my multi-passionate photographically artistic friends! Got more photo genres you love than a gaggle of schizophrenic mini-me’s could ever get done in a lifetime? Listen up! I’ve got some weird advice that might change your life.

And Now For A Message From the Creative Force

A Message From…  SOOOO many fantastic conversations are going on lately, all stemming from the whole “artistic voice” idea. I see it in communities where participants from my workshops and retreats gather… and in the greater artistic community, who is experiencing an even more persistent “Ahem!” from their creative souls than ever before.

Having a Voice & Collaborating For Good

I’m passionate about many things. Among them, having a voice. Owning it. Using it for good and not evil. And using it to collaborating for good! It makes my heart sing when I have the opportunity to weave those things together. This year, both my spoken voice and my artistic one are getting to go…

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The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice: Part 6, Art&Business

Everyday Genius Part 6: Art&Business In Part 6 of The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice… Lauri Novak and I wrap up the  conversation we started in Episode 5: “Art&Business “. In this one, she offers 7 tips SHE has used to successfully cross the line from hobbyist photographer to photo pro.

The Everyday Genius of Your Artistic Voice: Part 5, Art&Business

I decided that this series called for a big fat “Art&Business” section. Why? Because soooo many questions come up around this in general – even so more when folks try to reconcile “artistic voice” and how NOT to sell out when attempting to shift from hobbyist to entrepreneurial business maven.