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The Landscape of Life

Me Loves Options Sometimes I don’t know if I love black and white or color better. Or… big, open space epic photographs or macro. Or… chocolate or really ripe raspberries. Then I retrieve my senses and remember that I don’t have to choose! In this lifetime, on this planet – we get options and choices.…

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Lines, Contrast, Patterns = Monochrome

 My, What Strong Lines You Have! This is a brand, spankin’ new photo. I haven’t posted it anywhere, except here. ‘Cause my blog gets first crack at everything. I’m partial that way. It DID appear in a recent webinar I did on Tonality Pro for Macphun Software, because that’s how I processed it. This particular…

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My Big, Fat Tonality Pro Webinar

Webinars-R-Us Throw on your backpack and come with me to school! Kidding. Kinda. OK, not entirely… because I really did to a webinar recently! It was for Macphun Software and their black and white plugin Tonality Pro, which I adore. I was asked to take viewers through a few images, KHutt style. I love it…

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In A Monochrome Mood

Thinking in Black & White Today dawned bright and clear. But I digress… already! You’ll see this is a theme in today’s post… Yesterday here in the Eastern Sierras (where the hubs and I are running around photographing the INCREDIBLE  fall colors), it was rainy… and snowy at the upper elevations (8000 feet and up).…

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Envision The Results

Intend. Envision. Enjoy. Cool. Moist. Relief.On my social streams a couple of days ago, I asked for help in thinking “cool, moist thoughts”?. Guess what’s happening now?Rain.Why was this so important? Because of the King Fire, a wildfire that’s been burning out of control since Sept. 11. It’s been moving ever closer to us… while…

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Tonality Pro and Options

Options in Life… and Post Processing A girl loves her options. I’m ridiculous about it. Ideas or plans without options are useless to me. Snoresville. Like spandex that only comes in black. No options? Whuuuuut?? I do not speak this strange language! To give you but a small (trust me, it’s small for me!) example of…

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News About My Upcoming Macphun Webinar!

I’m excited! Know why? ‘Kay, I tell ya. (you know I can’t keep anything from you! Ok, almost anything. heh.) Next week, I’m giving a webinar on Sept. 10m 2014 at 10 am Pacific Time on MacPhun Software’s Tonality Pro! I’m stoked about this, because I love Tonality Pro. It’s  SUCH a blast! Go here to learn more…

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