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Get The Most Bang For Your Buck on a Sunset Photo Shoot

If you’re shooting sunset at a location that lends itself to moving around AND if you enjoy photo processing, here’s a quick tip for maximizing the impact of an evening’s shoot: MOVE your butt around – and process each photo differently. The latter is if photo processing is your bag, of course. All the image…

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One Hot Idea

Birthing DreamsĀ  Like anybody, I have a vision for what I want; a dream. A few dreams actually. And I’m in action to allow them to spring to life. I thought I’d share how it sometimes comes through my photo processing, since it sometimes takes you places you didn’t expect. I’m going about this vision-to-life…

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One Saturday in Santa Cruz

I spend part of my time in Santa Cruz, California these days. It’s a little beach town that prides itself on surfing, artistic freedom, great weather and well, being Santa Cruz. This particular day in December there was more than the usual amount of weekend revelry going on downtown. Artists, musicians, wannabe both, shoppers, sight-seers……

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The Chat with Karen Hutton: Matt Kloskowski

Matt Kloskowski is a super awesome professional photographer, photography and Photoshop instructor for the world-renowned Kelby Media Group. He travels all over, spreading the good word about Lightroom and Photoshop to audiences numbering in the hundreds, all over the country. He’s like an encyclopedia of knowledge and awesome know-how in the world of photography. He’s…

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My Photo, My Life

Photo As Metaphor This photo is so metaphoric for where my head’s been at lately. Reflecting. Looking at things right side up – then them over to change my perspective. Feeling a bit murky, but upon looking closer noticing the patterns, interesting colors and mood woven into my life. Light right behind the murk, lending…

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One Night in Death Valley

My Recent Adventure I just returned from an awesome flying adventure with the equally awesome Jessica Ambats. Naturally, it was a blast. But also a revelation! I’m going to do a major post about the trip… but wanted to share this simple image from an evening just a few nights ago in Death Valley. I…

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Where The Heavens, Art and The Imagination Meet

The Splendid Sunset It was a magnificent evening in Queenstown, New Zealand high atop Deer Park Heights. DPH is no longer open to the public, but the intrepid Trey Ratcliff had, of course, found a way to bring the entire group of us up there for a sunset shoot. It was a photo adventure workshop,…

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