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The Chat with Karen Hutton: Daria Musk, Part 2

It’s here! It’s here! A week goes by SO fast! And now, seemingly in the blink of an eye; Part 2 of my Chat with Daria Musk. We pick up talking about choices… and the enormous power of our thoughts in creating our reality. She also sings! Two songs, actually. The first one is by…

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PSST! Daria Musk, Part 2 is Coming!

 The Chat: Part 2 with Daria Musk on Monday! Part 2 of my Chat with Daria Musk is coming this Monday! Watch it here on the blog and on my streams on Google+ and Facebook. It’s so much FUN!! We finish our conversation from last week (if you didn’t catch that one… you can see…

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Some People, Like Forests, Are Deep

Looking Back on The Chat, Episode 1 I loved my visit with Daria Musk on our debut episode of “The Chat with Karen Hutton” ! And I’m super excited to share Part 2 of our Chat on Monday… she sings, just for us!! I’ll definitely be posting reminders… you won’t want to miss it! Daria’s…

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The Chat with Karen Hutton: Daria Musk, Part 1

Well, the moment has arrived! Welcome to the premiere episode of The Chat! WooHOOO! Everybody was EPIC with the guesses they made about WHO the first guest would BE. THANK YOU!! And now… For this auspicious debut, I chose a 2-part episode with a super star on the rise… who has a big vision about life,…

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The Chat: Guess the 1st Guest!

The Chat: Debut Eve. I’m listening. Waiting. Breathing. Feeling very still. This bird knows what I’m talking about. Tomorrow: launch day. I’ve set it all in motion – there’s no going back now. That’s a good thing. There’s only one last thing to do: see if you can guess the guest!

The Chat with Karen Hutton – Promo Due

Promo Week is almost up! I’m gulping a little bit out of what, nerves… excitement… giddiness? Oh yeah, I should breathe! This weekend I’ll be sharing who my first guest is; the perfect person to kick off this series for oh-so-many-reasons! For now, here’s your Friday reminder; “The Chat” starts Monday! And it’ll appear every…

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15 Minutes. Go.

15 minutes. That’s how long this new show needed to be. 15 minutes is the new hour-long format. Get in, get out. Boom. The bird looked startled. But we both knew I was right. It needed to be strike a different note than the norm. It had to respect people’s time and intelligence. Offer something…

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