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The Fujifilm XT20: What’s Beta Testing REALLY Like?

I get this question alot:  “What’s beta testing a camera really like?”. Well, I believe it’s a different experience for each person who does it. For instance, while there IS overlap between them, I loosely see 3 groups when it comes to camera testers/assessors:

Finding Your Voice: Day 2. Time of Day.

Welcome to Day 2 of our fun 10-day series: “Finding Your Voice… 10 Days, 10 Concepts To Help You Find Your Photographic Voice” Today, ponder this… My favorite time of day is…… 

Dream It – Then Get Off Your Ass

Here’s How It All Went Down I was sitting there, working. Behind the computer. For too long. Feeling totally depleted and not at all productive. Yet, there I sat, the early warning bells screaming that I needed to move, eat, drink some water, change gears!  I wasn’t listening. Until… My muse stepped in and smacked…

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The Landscape of Life

Me Loves Options Sometimes I don’t know if I love black and white or color better. Or… big, open space epic photographs or macro. Or… chocolate or really ripe raspberries. Then I retrieve my senses and remember that I don’t have to choose! In this lifetime, on this planet – we get options and choices.…

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A Season of New Beginnings

Like a Fiery Birth of Fabulocity “Like a Brainstorm.” “Like a Lake Tahoe Vortex.” “Like the Eye of Sauron fallen over on its side.” “Whuuuuut?” I hear you wondering. “What’s IN that chia-and-flax-seeds-in-yogurt mash you’ve been eating??” I see moments like the one above and it’s double take. No.. triple take! No, quick… write the first…

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Portrait of a Lady… er, Lake

Whenever I post a photo of Lake Tahoe on one my social streams, there’s this one fella who always pipes up, “You sure like to photograph that lake!” Now I ask you… wouldn’t you, if this were 30 minutes from your home? I mean, seriously! I consider myself blessed. When I’m home, I actually DO…

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The Age of Panoramas

It’s So Simple On a Mobile Phone Nowadays Panoramas photos are becoming all the rage now. On many mobile devices, you just hold up the phone and follow its direction to create them. They’re getting better all the time! However, at 72 ppi – it’ll look great on your computer monitor – but you won’t…

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