Postcards From France: Meet Lieke Kay
This Postcard From France introduces you to my new BFF, who lives in Cannes. Her name is Lieke Kay.
This Postcard From France introduces you to my new BFF, who lives in Cannes. Her name is Lieke Kay.
Postcard #1 From Cannes This Postcard From France arrives by way of Cannes, home of the Cannes Film Festival. Which – get this – started the day of my very first visit! There were multiple visits… this was only the first. I’ll share the others with you too, of course. They’ll make you laugh!
A New Postcard From Rome! There’s nothing quite like discovering you’ve forgotten something. For me, it normally it triggers a bad case of DAHMO (Disappointment At Having Missed Out).
What heck is a photo retreat? Ahhhh… and well might you ask. I think of it kind of like the hybrid baby of a photography workshop and a spiritual retreat.
My Postcard #2 From Grasse: Skylark & Michael Kay I feel like I found family in Grasse. Here’s how it all started…
My Postcard From Grasse – Part 1 This Postcard from France comes to you from Grasse. After chilly but beautiful Strasbourg up in northern France, a 5-day road trip dropped me much further south into Grasse, which is in the French Riviera, or Cotes d’Azur. It was close to Chateauneuf de Grasse, which is where…
Postcards From Strasbourg Postcards From France kicked off in beautiful Strasbourg. But first… I had to get there from Frankfurt by myself with an injured back. My hubby Joe had been with me for a week, which was beyond awesome! I’d been missing him so much – and we had a blast with our self-proclaimed…