Postcards From Rome: Q&A
I’m keeping it short ‘n sweet today with “Postcards From Rome”. Today: Valerie Jardin and I decided it would be fun to do informal Q&A sessions while we’re here in Rome… and you’re welcome to chime in with yours too!
I’m keeping it short ‘n sweet today with “Postcards From Rome”. Today: Valerie Jardin and I decided it would be fun to do informal Q&A sessions while we’re here in Rome… and you’re welcome to chime in with yours too!
Postcards From Rome with Valerie Jardin began in earnest today! Check out the view I see every day when I step outside the apartment. Sheesh!
I bet you wondered if I’d EVER spill what the heck has been going on behind-the-scenes over here! New Horizons I’m getting ready to embark upon a project that I believe in with all my heart and soul. It’s taken a ton of preparation (in some ways, my whole life!). At its core, it’s a…
Europe, Here I Come Just a shade over a week to go before I leave for Rome! But that’s only the FIRST stop. Lots going on behind the scenes right now, but I’m allllllmost ready to start talking about and sharing it all. In fact, I’ll probably have something for ya in a couple of…
Spring’s on its way (even though we’ll likely get lots more snow.). Normally that has me giddy all by itself. This year, there are 4 NEW reasons I’m stoked as it rolls around! I’m getting ready to travel again – for 2 months! I can’t wait! I’m in that “OMG, I’ve got so much to…
Welcome to Day 4 in this series that I’m calling: “Finding Your Voice… 10 Days, 10 Concepts To Help You Find Your Photographic Voice” Textures Today we feel Textures. G’head… touch ’em, feel ’em, contemplate which kinds give you the shivers. My favorite texture is_____.
Welcome to Day 3 of our fun 10-day series: “Finding Your Voice: 10 Days, 10 Concepts To Help You Find Your Photographic Voice.” My friends, it may seem elementary, but fill in the blank on this: My favorite light is_____. In an interview recently, violinist Lindsey Stirling put it this way: “When I’m onstage, I feel like I’m…