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5Day Deal – Bigger Than Ever!

The 5Day Deal – BEGINS!! Drum roll, please…. [as the crowd goes wild] I’m setting this post to go public EXACTLY at 9am PT, 12 noon ET… because THAT’S when this fantaaaaastic event begins!! But first, a quick confab. Some of you know what the 5Day Deal is, some of you don’t. So that we’re…

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Lines, Contrast, Patterns = Monochrome

 My, What Strong Lines You Have! This is a brand, spankin’ new photo. I haven’t posted it anywhere, except here. ‘Cause my blog gets first crack at everything. I’m partial that way. It DID appear in a recent webinar I did on Tonality Pro for Macphun Software, because that’s how I processed it. This particular…

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Beauty Awakens Us

Would You…? The questions cycles around with irregular regularity: “If you knew __________________ (the world were ending, this was your last day on the planet… you know, fill in the blank with whatever dire thingie you choose)… would you still photograph?” Two things always come pop into my mind on that one… First: you really…

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Sometimes It Takes a Talking Shrimp

Straight From The Talking Shrimp Sometimes I like to share things here that certainly include photography – because I always post a photo (or video) – but aren’t only about photography. ‘Cause I believe that life should include the thing we love to do – but shouldn’t ONLY be about them. I’m a huge believer in cross-training. Besides, life is…

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My Big, Fat Tonality Pro Webinar

Webinars-R-Us Throw on your backpack and come with me to school! Kidding. Kinda. OK, not entirely… because I really did to a webinar recently! It was for Macphun Software and their black and white plugin Tonality Pro, which I adore. I was asked to take viewers through a few images, KHutt style. I love it…

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Something Very Cool Is Coming!

Cool, Big, Awesome Truth be told, not just one thing is coming. But perhaps we can think of THIS one as the kickoff of “Cool Thing Season.” Yep, something BIG is definitely coming next week… and I can’t wait! Those of you who’ve been around here for awhile know I love a deal. And I…

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The Harvest of Gold

Harvest… It’s Only PART of the Story! Autumn is harvest time. And personally, I like the idea of harvesting gold. It doesn’t have to be literal gold… although… wait, give me a moment. [She pauses. Muses.] Yep, kinda love that idea too. But there’s more to this ‘golden harvest’ notion that I like… (Photo story:…

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