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Tomorrow – Get Ready for the Return of The Chat!

The Chat And Chris MacAskill … and then her mind was blown! That’s the ending of the story that began with my emailing Chris MacAskill of SmugMug and asking; “Baldy, how would you like to do a Chat with me?” some months ago. A full day with  SmugMug HQ in Mountain View resulted in my…

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The Lay of The Land

What’s Been Going On Behind the Curtain? I’ve been nose to the grindstone. Behind closed doors. Below the radar. “Leave a message at the beep” now for weeks. I might even say for months! So, I thought perhaps I’d take a moment to have a gander of the lay of the land looking forward… and…

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A New Piece!

New Influences, New Ideas Anything can make you want to try something new artistically. Anything! That’s why you have to keep your eyes, ears and heart open. Oh and try not to judge. (no, I’m not talking about myself on the latter – whatEVER gave you that idea?) Well, this is a new piece… quite…

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Processing With An Audience

… and it turned out to be one of my favorite photos yet! HeeHee. Thought I’d begin at the end for a change. Because, yes this one did! But it was HOW it happened that was a surprise…

Shiny Things, Reflecting

I love shiny things. I don’t mean to the exclusion of other things. Just that “shiny” is high on my list of “liked things”. What I liked about this shiny thing image is how it responded to just the wee bit of processing I did in Adobe Camera Raw. Clarity, a little contrast… that was…

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Macphun’s Tonality Pro: 3 Photos, 3 Ways

No More Secrets! Finally! I get to share something I’ve been working on for weeks, but NOT able to talk about until now! Macphun Software’s Tonality Pro plugin/app just launched last week. I was lucky enough to get to play with the software during the Beta process … and I’ve fallen in love with it!…

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The Art of Living and The New Now

Looking Back, Taking a Breath Stuff is happening. Fast! I imagined summer to be “catch my breath” time. Hahahaha! Oh the folly and whimsy of it all! The past few months have seen the launch of The Arcanum, a photo trip to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, followed immediately by a trip to NYC, filming several…

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