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My View of the Street Where You Live

There’s a thing about me. More than one, truth be told… but I’m referring to one in particular that relates to how I look at just about everything, including my photography. And that is; I tend to see the way stuff “ought” to be. You know, possibilities. My point of view is that most things…

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THE CHAT with Karen Hutton: Ron Clifford!

I’ve known Ron Clifford for over 2 years now. For close to a year of that, we co-hosted the show “LIFE Through the Lens“. We’ve talked via hangout and phone, solved the problems of the world many times over. However, the day we recorded this episode of THE CHAT was the very first time we’d…

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Home On The Range

This was one funny moment. Let me ‘splain myself… The hubs and I took an afternoon to go out shooting. We decided to trek up into Sierraville and Sattley, two small towns in the Sierra Nevada mountains near where we live. I love that whole area; with its big, epic valleys and sweeping views. It’s…

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THE CHAT with Karen Hutton: Laurie Rubin

In keeping with our “awesome photographer” roll of late, I was SUPER stoked to Chat with Laurie Rubin! She’s a Googler, award-winning wildlife and nature photographer and I’m delighted that she’s also my friend. When it comes to animals and photography – you have never seen someone drop into “the zone” faster than Laurie when…

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Fun With Nicole & Brian

It was such a blast getting to do an episode of The Chat with Nicole S. Young! We actually recorded that one awhile back. She was one of my first intrepid friends to step up as I was still working out my format, flow and style for the show. Nicole is fearless – and she…

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Sunset Day

Sunsets always make me think of a simple thing my mother used to say ALOT: “My cup runneth over.” She was blessed in life and she knew it. Perhaps you have to live through enough in life to really appreciate the depth of that sentiment. Apparently I’ve crossed that invisible line, because every day now,…

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