What Do You Desire Most?
Don’t Judge the Book By It’s Maker OK, I know this video was created by/for an insurance company. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s seriously awesome and makes me bawl. Every. Damn. Time.
Don’t Judge the Book By It’s Maker OK, I know this video was created by/for an insurance company. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s seriously awesome and makes me bawl. Every. Damn. Time.
Peacock-Palooza! Yesterday’s post about Phil the Peacock has a Part 2. It’s name is Jim. He’s Phil’s fully technicolor counterpart. He also lives at The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine; and was named after the dean of the Cathedral, The Very Reverend Dr. James A. Kowalski. What follows is what I learned about Jim…
The Thing About Waterfalls You get soaking wet, unless you wear rain gear. Your ears ring after awhile. You REALLY don’t want to fall in! Photographing waterfalls is exhilarating, fun, tricky as heck, full of endless possibilities!
Best Time to Photograph Rockefeller Center Turns out, somewhere between 2 & 3am Sunday morning is a good time to photograph Rockefeller Center. That is, if you didn’t want an people in your shot! It all started with a birthday dinner. Which was late. And long. And Greek! In Astoria.
I Love Re-Imagining… You know what I love? Ok, I’ll tell ya. It’s that feeling I get when I manage to re-imagine my own view of the world in my art. Of course, that’s always easier said that done! Take photo processing for instance. Personally, I have a set of colors, tones, textures and overall…
As if Chatting with Scott Kelby weren’t enough when I visited Kelby Media in Florida earlier this year… then I got to sit down with my amazing and multi-talented friend, RC Concepcion!! Once again, this episode was filmed by Kelby Media’s stunning video crew – who volunteered to do it! They just blow me away…
Blinders On, Blinders Off The blinders came off.. finally!! I’ve had this feeling over the past months. Something inside wanted to be outside. (it was a good thing, this isn’t a weird sic-fi psycho drama unfolding here or anything!) I thought it was my inner muse… but even she seemed curious too. We both waited.…