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Trading Fire, Trading Cameras

Trading One Kind of Fire (and Camera) For Another I taught the hubs to photograph. It was a smart move. Really smart. Because not only do we get to go out and capture the world around us and marvel at how uniquely we each see the same moments… he also is really good at photographing…

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Welcome to Our New Home!

We Have Liftoff! If you’re here reading this, you’re doing it from our new hot bliggidy-blog home… on the website that’s taken about 9 months to create! (Yes, WooHOO!! New horizons, new light – and new place to play and create. Some cool new stuff is coming too, now that it has a home… we’re…

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A Little Waterfall Cleansing

Frequencies of Intent & Waterfall Love Waterfalls always feel so cleansing, don’t they? The sound, the spray, the colors, the ions… all spell ‘reinvigorate’. I always feel like art and photos can contain a ‘frequency’, just like sound does. Having worked with sound waves thousands of times over the years as a professional voice artist,…

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Time for a Me-Set

Ever want to just have a break, take a step back, reboot your brain and have everything in your noggin just heave a big sigh and let go a little? Or a lot? Me too. That’s why I make photos like this, by the shores of Lake Tahoe in the morning. They’re like a “me…

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Short Story, Big Memory

Not so long ago, the hubs and I stood here on the shore of Silver Lake in the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. We took a week, got away from the hum of computers, emails and the madding crowd. Went into nature. Got up at 5am and beat the sun to the day. More than once.…

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Do I Really Have to Tell You?

Some Stuff I Like About This Photo Y’know what I like about this photo? The colors. The light. The tree. The clouds (lerrrrrv the clouds!). The way it looks like the tree is dreaming those clouds out of its dreamy little noggin. That it’s vertical. Just some stuff I like about it. It’s not a…

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Lines, Contrast, Patterns = Monochrome

 My, What Strong Lines You Have! This is a brand, spankin’ new photo. I haven’t posted it anywhere, except here. ‘Cause my blog gets first crack at everything. I’m partial that way. It DID appear in a recent webinar I did on Tonality Pro for Macphun Software, because that’s how I processed it. This particular…

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