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Fantasy Forest

The Fantastical Forest Forest photos can be tough to photograph. I usually look for strong lines, perhaps a path, some kind of definite shape or structure, alignment. Then there are images like this one that follow none of those guidelines!

To Surf the Zuvuya

One Evening in Santa Cruz Santa Cruz is known for many things. Among them, surfing, beaches, sunsets, being a little (or a lot) “out there” – and Natural Bridges, which is where this image was taken. So on this particular evening, when they all converged in one spot for this one moment, I couldn’t help…

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My Photo, My Life

Photo As Metaphor This photo is so metaphoric for where my head’s been at lately. Reflecting. Looking at things right side up – then them over to change my perspective. Feeling a bit murky, but upon looking closer noticing the patterns, interesting colors and mood woven into my life. Light right behind the murk, lending…

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Where The Heavens, Art and The Imagination Meet

The Splendid Sunset It was a magnificent evening in Queenstown, New Zealand high atop Deer Park Heights. DPH is no longer open to the public, but the intrepid Trey Ratcliff had, of course, found a way to bring the entire group of us up there for a sunset shoot. It was a photo adventure workshop,…

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Seeking Miracles Everyday

Living Life in the Miraculous I’ve mentioned before that I like to choose a theme for my years. It helps guide my vision and approach to things… and remind me how I want to FEEL and what I want to CREATE in my life. 2014’s theme is “Living Life in the Miraculous”. This image feels like…

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New Zealand and The Chat

New Image: Milford Sound Today I’m in the mood to share a couple of things: first, a brand new photo. It’s from my trip to New Zealand earlier this year for Trey Racliff’s New Zealand Adventure in which I co-taught. We visited Milford Sound, of course… got rained out one night, but woke up to…

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Peaceful, Easy Lagoon

Lagoonia Reflections I named this “Lagoonia”. Ha! So silly. It means “the land of The Lagoon”, which I also made that up. But I like it. I tend to like reflection photos… they always calm me. I don’t know what the brain actually does when it sees a mirrored image, but whatever it is must…

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