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Postcards From Rome: What do you love?

Today’s Postcard from Rome asks: what do you love? If any of you have read my eBook, or read the my 10-part series about finding your voice here on the blog… you know I’m white-hot passionate about this question and topic. 

Postcards From Rome: 2 New Q&A’s

2 New Q&A’s  Today we started tackling some of the new, great questions you guys have been asking! THANK YOU for piping up! It’s really fun to share this experience with you to begin with… it’s made even better when we can answer some of the queries that inevitably occur to you when you follow…

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Postcards From Rome: Q&A

I’m keeping it short ‘n sweet today with “Postcards From Rome”. Today: Valerie Jardin and I decided it would be fun to do informal Q&A sessions while we’re here in Rome… and you’re welcome to chime in with yours too!

When To Take That Photograph: And When to Fuggedaboutit

When DO You Take a Photograph? Anytime I visit New York City, I always make sure I get into Central Park for some nice airing out. This trip was no different. What WAS different is that I recorded a couple of quick video segments, sharing some thoughts I had about “when to photograph”… and about…

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New York And New Beginnings

Here at the start of our “Postcards From an Artist” adventure in New York, I couldn’t help but muse on new beginnings. I mean, I’ve never done anything quite like this before.  I’m excited, kind of nervous, imagining all the cool stuff that might happen, places I’ll see… the food, sights, sounds and smells I’ll…

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“Postcards From an Artist”: It Begins!

Today it begins! I’m in New York right now; later this week, Rome. After that, Germany, Switzerland and France. In all, close to 2 months, 4 countries and a world of experiences I can’t wait to embrace! Here’s the thing. I didn’t want this to be one of those “Oh – Karen’s off doing her thing.…

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Postcards From Rome

I bet you wondered if I’d EVER spill what the heck has been going on behind-the-scenes over here! New Horizons I’m getting ready to embark upon a project that I believe in with all my heart and soul. It’s taken a ton of preparation (in some ways, my whole life!).  At its core, it’s a…

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