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And Now, Let’s Breathe

Let’s All Just Take a Breath It’s been an interesting week. On SO many fronts!! My goodness. Vic Gundotra leaving Google, all the crazy world stuff… whew! So today, being Friday… I’m just going to leave you with this. A breath, a fresh, minty moment, just a spot of peace in the midst of all…

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The Wide View

Another Panorama? Goodness, I’m on FIRE! For someone who eschews the mighty panorama, I’ve certainly created a record number of them lately! Mind you, two in the same month IS some kind of record for me… hahaha! For some reason that I have not yet fathomed, I’ve been drawn to panoramacize certain scenes of late.…

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Making Your Tech Support The Story

Opportunity in “Meh”: Change Your Eye-Set It wasn’t an incredible day at the beach, photography-wise. No epic skies prepping for an eye-popping sunset, no late-day golden filtered light turning everything in sight to spun gold. No, it was just a nice fresh day at the beach. And I was in the mood to photograph. So…

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Sunset at Bendemeer

Bendemeer Estates A year ago, I went to New Zealand to help teach a fabulous workshop given by Trey Ratcliff. It was his first New Zealand workshop – and my first visit to Hobbitland. I pretty much walked around the whole time with my mouth hanging open at the postcard views EVERYWHERE! We visited lots…

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The Age of Panoramas

It’s So Simple On a Mobile Phone Nowadays Panoramas photos are becoming all the rage now. On many mobile devices, you just hold up the phone and follow its direction to create them. They’re getting better all the time! However, at 72 ppi – it’ll look great on your computer monitor – but you won’t…

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The Mists Over Milford

Early Morning Milford Early morning at Milford Sound is really something. When the tide goes out, you can walk pretty far out there to photograph areas you’d have to swim to otherwise. Or maybe waist-wade. To that I say: “No thanks!” Slipping and sliding over the fantastically slimy rocks was exciting enough for me. hehheh.…

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Scenes From a Boat

Adventures Revisited The great thing about not processing photos from a big trip all at once, is that you get to go back later and revisit your adventure. Take this photo. Whilst in New Zealand last year, we took a cruise around the Milford Sound area. Went all the way to the edge of where…

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