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Postcards From France: Strasbourg

Postcards From Strasbourg Postcards From France kicked off in beautiful Strasbourg. But first… I had to get there from Frankfurt by myself with an injured back. My hubby Joe had been with me for a week, which was beyond awesome! I’d been missing him so much – and we had a blast with our self-proclaimed…

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Postcards From France: Finally, Provence!

WooHoo! Provence! Little things make me happy. Like finally making to Provence in France… a place I’ve dreamed of visiting for most of my life. (Lots of bucket list items getting checked off on this adventure!).

Postcards From Rome: What do you love?

Today’s Postcard from Rome asks: what do you love? If any of you have read my eBook, or read the my 10-part series about finding your voice here on the blog… you know I’m white-hot passionate about this question and topic. 

Postcards From Rome: Settling In

Postcards From Rome with Valerie Jardin began in earnest today! Check out the view I see every day when I step outside the apartment. Sheesh!

When To Take That Photograph: And When to Fuggedaboutit

When DO You Take a Photograph? Anytime I visit New York City, I always make sure I get into Central Park for some nice airing out. This trip was no different. What WAS different is that I recorded a couple of quick video segments, sharing some thoughts I had about “when to photograph”… and about…

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New York And New Beginnings

Here at the start of our “Postcards From an Artist” adventure in New York, I couldn’t help but muse on new beginnings. I mean, I’ve never done anything quite like this before.  I’m excited, kind of nervous, imagining all the cool stuff that might happen, places I’ll see… the food, sights, sounds and smells I’ll…

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